“I seek to find truth in each moment.”
Holding Space
In relationships and friendships, I think there is something to be said in being able to hold space for the ones we love. I am learning how to hold space for others by raising my own energetic frequency. While the other person is taking the time to sort themselves out, reflect, and grow, I fill myself up with more love to contain my energy. The approach is a call to remain in my own energetic field with my higher self not the fall into the other person’s rhythm.
When we remain focused in our own lane and pour love onto ourselves, the vibration of our consciousness will be joyful. From this place, we hold a level of trust in our own worth, that whatever we manifest into our lives (whether positive or negative) it can be maneuvered with steady resolve. If we can hold steady and place trust in this fundamental law of attraction, we will always feel secure in ourselves and the outcome. When grounded by self-love, we make stronger choices.
By choosing to honor ourselves first and giving ourselves nourishment regardless of what is going on externally, we take more conscious actions. This will nurture an inward journey of self-mastery. Give yourself the permission, surrender to being divine, and live in self-acceptance. When you are aligned, whatever comes towards you in life will less likely throw you off. And if it does for a moment, you will reset quickly because you’ve built a solid foundation. As you come to an understanding that the other person is on their own journey and can only join you once they have aligned themselves; you will feel a sense of peace. We are are all on our own path in different stages of growth.